Hope Through Education

Zambian school girl smiling and wearing a red backpack with other school kids in the background.

As we work toward our vision of communities being supported to care for their children in crisis, we cannot ignore the children who are currently in situations of abuse, neglect, and vulnerability.
Established in 2004 on a small rented farm, the Children’s Resource Center (CRC) was home to 11 children. In 2008, Mothers Without Borders built a new center on our land near Lusaka, Zambia which allowed us to care for 24 children.

Now, 13 years later, the CRC has continued to provide refuge to more than 338 children who have experienced abuse, abandonment, trafficking, or the death of parents. Through our relationships in various communities, our skilled social workers assess the needs of the most vulnerable children and work with partner organizations to determine the best interventions for each child’s unique needs.

In working with nearby community leaders to identify the children most at risk, we saw that one of the largest gaps in Lusaka West was a lack of access to education. What began as a small, one class primary school for children in our care has grown to be the ‘Carol Zulu Primary School’. This year we opened a new classroom block allowing us to now educate 641 children in grades 1–7. We are proud to have maintained a 100% pass rate on the seventh grade national exam, where the national average is closer to 65%, which we have accomplished every year since we opened in 2009. We continue to be the top performing school in the region. The children enrolled in our school are provided education, a daily hot lunch, and the opportunity to dream!


Jackie Skinner with a group of people.

Our New CEO

A MESSAGE FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS We are pleased to announce the new CEO of Mothers Without Borders, Jackie Skinner. Jackie is a dynamic

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