Strengthening Communities

Strengthening Communities

We work with local communities to identify their most pressing problems and create sustainable solutions that foster development and self-reliance.

why strengthen communities?

We believe in the power of community—in the love, unity, and growth that comes from taking care of one another.

For over 20 years, we have supported communities in their efforts to care for their children in crisis in multiple countries in Africa. As we look for solutions that will impact the thousands of vulnerable children, strengthening communities to be part of the solution fosters generational impact and self-reliance of both individuals and communities. Working together with local leaders, we create community-based programs centered on principles of individual development and self-reliance to address immediate and long-term needs. We are committed to empowering local leaders to care for orphaned and vulnerable children— fostering communities founded in and driven by hope.

We value local wisdom and support local solutions to local problems.

our impact

Our programs continue to grow each month because of the generosity of people, like you, who are committed to being part of the change. Currently there are:

Icon with green background and hand holding a heart.


communities served

Warm meal icon with a light green background.


meals provided

African man and woman icon on a light green background.


women & men employed in Zambia

Help us strengthen communities, and give hope today.